Consort Precision Diamond Company Ltd is a private company and was established in 1984 by its shareholders as a manufacturing facility dedicated to the production of Rotary Diamond Dressers.
Rotary Diamond Dressers are used extensively in niche grinding operations to primarily facilitate the transfer of highly accurate repeated configurations onto components. In principle the Rotary Diamond Dresser is mounted onto a spindle of a drive unit which in turn is mounted onto a slideway arrangement that allows the formed periphery of the Dresser to infeed into a grinding wheel, thereby transferring the desired shape into it. The form, or configuration, can then be 'ground' onto the component.
Such Industries as the Automotive and Aero as well land based Turbine Engine production units employ large quantities of Rotary Diamond Dressers. Typically, within the Aero manufacturing industry, such components as Turbine Blades and Nozzle Guide Vanes as well as Flap Actuating Shafts require their intricate features to be ground with grinding wheels that have been formed with Rotary Diamond Dressers. As can be seen reference is made on our following pages to the many applications within the automotive industry.
Consort Precision Diamond Company Ltd, can offer expertise in the selection of the most appropriate type of Rotary Diamond Dresser by reference to the configuration required and to the grinding machine on which it is to be used. Basically, three processes are employed. Handset Sintered, Random Set Sintered and Reverse Plated. Within each of those categories, selection of diamond type and their placement into the periphery of the Rotary Dresser, plays a major part in determining its operational life and performance. Even though Consort was not established until 1984, its principals and a large proportion of its employees had many previous years experience in the manufacture of Rotary Diamond Dressers. Bringing with them unique knowledge enabling Consort to establish itself with this one product into the global market of prime and subcontract component manufacturers. Earning the respect of competitors and customers alike.
Mention has already been made of the three methods of manufacture offered. In respect of the Reverse Plating technique, Consort are particularly proud of the fact that during 1995 they were awarded the accolade of winning the BOOST award in the U.K. for its design and development of a high speed plating process which dramatically reduced previous lengthy plating times. This achievement gives a competitive edge against alternative suppliers and satisfies the reduced lead times that customers are currently demanding. In the same period, Consort gained the S.M.A.R.T 1995 award for the development of the Electro-Forming process as an acknowledgement of the reduction in the process time employed in the manufacture of Reverse Plated Rotary Diamond Dressers. Consort are proud to hold the ISO 9002 : 1994 Registration Certificate for its Quality Management Systems.
Company Profile
Company Name:
Consort Precision Diamond Co. Ltd
United Kingdom
Products/Service We Offer:
diamond tools
Legal Representative/CEO:
Year Established:
No.of Employees:
Annul Sales(USD):
Contact Detail
Units A1-A2, Tir Llwyd Industrial Estate, Kinmel Bay, Rhyl, Clwyd