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Saint-Gobain Promotes Strongly X Expert, Snatching Chinese Market Share

Post Date: 28 Sep 2012    Viewed: 1348

The 22th China International Hardware Expo came to a successful conclusion in Wuhan International Expo Center Sep 10. During the expos, the reporter from abrasives website visited Saint-Gobain, the “frequent caller “of all hardware expos. As the leading foreign enterprise in the field of abrasives and grinding products, Saint-Gobain’s booth designing still kept the blue, composed and calm features.

There has learnt that Saint-Gobain introduced new product in this expo--------X expert. It has higher quality, stronger wear-resistance and resistance to cut, longer working life compared with “Expert” series products. Therefore, many visitors show the concern about its appearance in this expos.

The Saint-Gobain exhibitors expressed that they aimed at exhibiting series products of X expert, expanding the popularity and seeking more partners attendance at this expo to reach “Professional Level, Co-fusion and Win-win”. But this expo result is not good compared with before because of the current economy slowdown. However, the abrasives and grinding products factories established by Saint-Gobain has increased to 6 from 5 last year despite of the sluggish situation.

Superhard Material of China

Superhard Material of China

Abrasives and Grinding Products of China

Abrasives and Grinding Products of China

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Coated Abrasives of China

Chia International Abrasives & Grinding Exposition

China International Abrasives & Grinding Exposition

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