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 •  For difficult materials: new cubic boron nitride tools from Horn
 •  Grinding experts set focus on automation and digitalisation
 •  Due to the rise in raw material prices, a number of abrasives, superhard material…
 •  Savo-Solar and Beijing Yuxin Solar Energy to deliver solar thermal fields in China…
 •  Researchers camouflage an optical chip rendering it invisible
 •  GIA Finds Synthetic Diamond with Forged Inscription
 •  Alrosa Sees October Rise in Rough Demand
 •  European battery alliance launched in Brussels
 •  Graff Among Buyers at Record Pink Diamond Sale
 •  GE Aviation Readies Unique Materials Factories in Alabama
 •  Robust Market Conditions For European Steel
 •  Oil Use Could Peak in 2030s If Electric Cars Boom
 •  Diamond Groups Agree on Uniform Grading Terms
 •  Belgium Sees Rise in Polished Exports
 •  Market Prices and Analysis of Silicon Carbide & Alumina in October
 •  F Hinds First UK Jeweller Awarded ‘Prestigious’ World Diamond Mark
 •  Tiny Diamonds Light the Way for New Quantum Technologies
 •  European battery alliance launched in Brussels
 •  Researchers discover switching function in molecular wire
 •  Guiding the random laser
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